Russian invasion of Ukraine (Neighbours book)

"In the face of Russia’s ongoing assault on Ukraine, the Neighbours project symbolises European unity and a community that brings together a number of creative individuals from neighbouring countries, all connected by a sense of belonging. Artists from Poland, Ukraine, Slovakia, Romania, Moldova, Hungary, and Belarus have joined forces with the originator of the Neighbours project, Drukomat, to create a unique collection of graphics in the form of a printed art book and a series of posters.

The art book, designed in two unique publishing versions under the artistic direction of Patryk Hardziej, is an illustrated manifesto of the artists involved in the project against the war in Ukraine. Their artistic statement is a social expression of a struggle for freedom. An expression that utilises the diverse language of art to support their Ukrainian sisters and brothers facing an armed invasion as much as possible."

32,000 EUR have been raised from the sales of the book, which have been donated to the UNAWEZA Foundation to help Ukrainian children evacuated from orphanages and children from foster families.

Book available here

© Maks Graur